Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I'm NOT perfect.

I'm not perfect. I have my flaws. I've made mistakes in my life and I'm not proud of everything I've done. I try harder than most people think. I went from failing school and being an emotional wreck, to being caught up/getting A's/ and being able to manage my life on a day-to-day basis. I bust my butt daily to make sure that I'm doing the best I can. I may not be happy with everything in my life, but I sure as hell am proud of how far I've come and the person I've grown to be.


  1. I remember feeling a little how you do right now. I can't say I always know how you feel because we're different people! But I want you to know that I will never expect you to be perfect, even though the pressures are out there for you to be. I know it is SO HARD trying your hardest and knowing that, for some reason, it doesn't seem to be measuring up. That's why I'm handing you a new measuring cup right now. It's God's measuring cup (the most balanced and cutest one you've ever seen...perfect for the apartment you'll be getting someday). Now, HIS measuring cups don't have a "perfect" line, because only HE'S perfect. I want you to know that He sees you pouring a lot of yourself into His measuring cup and he's darn well proud of you. He asks for your best. You're giving it. That's the only measuring line you have to worry about.
    You are worth so much, little weed. You are one of the STRONGEST people I know. Don't forget it. :) Don't forget what God asks from you, because THAT is what you are striving for. I love you.

  2. His measuring cup IS the best one. ;) Thanks sis. I miss you! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!! :D

    And we basically ARE the same person, we just live 2,000 miles away and are separated by 9 years. <3
